Black Eyes
A Harry Potter Fan Poem
written by Dian Anggraini aka Chryseis aka Myu
date of original write: 29 October 2007
Black eyes...
Staring at you,
In his voice
You find there is
An aversion
When he scolds you
Mocks you
You feel really annoyed
You think that..
He hate you.
Every time you look into his eyes
You look it with hatred feeling
Your hatred
To him
Without knowing that
He holds a deep secret,
Hidden feeling
In his heart
An heartache
That would not be cured
Even with the best medicine
In the world
Well, yes
He hated you
Up to a point
Where he found
Something that belong to
Someone he loved
And so,
Even though he hate you
‘Cause your act is the same
Like your Dad whom he hated
His love to you grows
Little by little
Every time he sees your green eyes
Your mother’s eyes.
And yes,
It becomes a hidden love
Cause he secretly cares
About you
Look at his eyes.
Look deeply into his black eyes.
Can you find it?
Can you find his love to you?
Even if it’s only a little amount?
Look now.
Into his eyes.
You’ll find his deepest secret
As you look deeply into his
Black eyes.
Disclaimer: This is just a fan poem. I own this poem, but not Harry Potter characters since they are Mrs. Rowling's. ^^